Thursday, February 1, 2018

"What Matters to You?"

31 days into OT school and to say it has been a whirlwind of emotions would be an understatement. In the short 31 days, I have learned so much about what OT really is, although I thought I already knew exactly what it was. Every time someone asked me what I was going to school for, I would respond with "Occupational therapy" where they would reply with, "How is that related to physical therapy?" and I am ashamed to say that it was difficult for me to describe it. I knew what it was because it was obviously it was a profession that I had fallen in love with through many hours of observation and internships. Many people assume that occupational therapists "only work with old people" or "play with kids all day." Although geriatrics and pediatrics are both groups of people that occupational therapists work with, OT's work with people all across the lifespan. Occupational therapists find a need a fill it. Instead of asking "What's the matter with you?" OT's ask "What matters to you?" Something I think is important for people to know about occupational therapy is that it is a client-centered practice. An occupational therapist's goal for the client is to understand what is important to them and they help them to set and reach goals that are meaningful to their everyday life. I am so excited to continue my education and I look forward to being able to help individuals regain their independence and be able to engage in the things they love.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you emphasised "What matters to you?". Great post!
