Tuesday, May 8, 2018

What is Occupational Therapy?

For one of my courses in OT school, we had to make a variation of a concept map on the field of occupational therapy and what we had learned so far. I am definitely the farthest thing from tech savvy, but I wanted to challenge myself and make an animated presentation. So 52 hours later (& with only a few hours to sleep in between) I successfully completed my first animated presentation! Although I don't have what you would call a "presenter's voice", it was fun to get the creative juices flowing & re-record each slide at least 3 times because I didn't like the sound of my own voice! Click the link below to check it out!


PS. I am aware of the watermark in the back of the video, but I refuse to pay $300 for a subscription when I won't be using the site much.  (and grad school students don't necessarily make a ton of money... 😉)

PPS. I would HIGHLY recommend www.vyond.com to anyone who develops presentations on a regular basis! It was an extremely simple layout and you can literally make ANYTHING! So I def would give vyond a *2 thumbs up*

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